The trees are singing...Psalm 96:11-13

Published on 22 June 2024 at 03:04

written by  Patricia Ann   June 22, 2024

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth.  Psalm 96:11-13

Yes!  Our Lord is worthy to be praised and this earth is His sanctuary. When I walk outside in the early morning hours, I experience the sunrise as it declares the glory of God in vibrant colorful scenes.  

Each day is different, yet the same.

No two moments in our lives are the exact same.  Each moment is a little different yet cries out for the

Glory of God to be seen in all of its splendor. 

I love going outside and experiencing God's Creation.  All day long, I am hearing the praise of songbirds glorifying their Creator. 

Sometimes, I get to see them flying from tree to tree.  Like the sunrises, they come in many beautiful colors and designs. 

Some birds are small, like the hummingbirds with whirring of wings, as they hover to drink from a morning glory bloom. 

The brilliant yellow and black finch, the red headed woodpecker, the cardinal or blue jay, with the gentle voice of the morning dove, make a very lovely choir.  I walk outside and I am very aware that I hear them in the trees.

 I notice that it is as if the trees are singing!

The gentle breeze blowing through the leaves is like the orchestra behind an opera of songbirds!

I stand and listen intently, as this is all a part of the Glory of God. 

I am thankful that He has brought me to this place, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. 

Here I find serenity with my Lord. As I walk, I notice each blade of grass. I see dandelions with bright yellow blooms.  They are like little bits of sunshine exploding through the blades of green grass.  I see the differing species of natural herbs, mint, clover, mullein, dandelions, etc.  and know that God made them all.

Many people see them as weeds and eradicate them spraying them with poison. But I say "No"!  Do they not know that these plants are food from our Lord to His songbirds which are singing His praises all day long?

I love the blooming flowers! I love the fragrance and the unique petal shapes and every color choice that God created.

As I look, I notice how some flowers are designed to close up in the rest. 

I look at the bark on the different types of trees and at the way their branches stretch outward towards the heavens. 

Many of the trees here have been growing for over 100 years!  They also declare His majesty in size and strength!

They are each uniquely designed to provide needed shade for the day and a home to the birds that sing. 

I notice the ground cracking for need of moisture and I know that it won't be long until our Father provides a much needed rain. 

He never leaves nor forsakes His creation. The butterflies that I see are bright orange or yellow and blue. 

I see them flying higher than I ever have seen them fly.  I look and they are above my rooftop! It's as if they are making their way toward heaven gently riding an upward breeze. Occasionally, I see a lizard or a tree frog or a salamander quickly make their way throught the grass. Rabbits,squirrels, raccoons and even a skunk also call this place their home.  

It is our inheritance from the Lord. He has provided this place for us to experience Himself, with Himself. 

As the evening approaches, I am drawn to the western sky. I can hardly take my eyes off of the quickly changing canvas of God's sunset.

It is alive!  It is alive, as He is actively painting new brushstrokes of brilliant color and design for our enjoyment.

Then, in just a few moments, it is gone.

The sun has faded into the horizon, and I know that I am blessed that God has allowed me to experience this day with Himself. 

As darkness falls, I look up and see the moon has risen high in the sky. It is surrounded by all of the stars that are also a part of Creation.  Twinkles of light are dancing in the night sky and as I look around me I am suddenly aware that

there are fireflies also dancing in the moonlight!

 I remember catching them as a little girl!  I am sure that God is always smiling, as a small child is chasing His fireflies. 

I hear the night as it becomes alive with sounds different from the day.  The songbirds take a rest from singing,

as the owl stands watch on a tree branch. The chirping of crickets and frogs create a song of their own

as they too praise the one who made them. 

And as I go into my house for the night, I am thankful!

My heart is full of the Glory of God.  

The essences of life from the sunrise to the sunset have fed me. I am full, sustained for yet another day. 
Thank you, my Lord, for all of the beautiful gifts you have given to us through Creation.  

I truly do love each moment spent with You.

 My prayer for today is that we all choose to share in God's creation. From the sunrise to the sunset and into the night, may we know that it is His love that sustains us, as He has given us Creation to enjoy.

God's love is as vast as the sunrise and the sunset and everything in between.  May we know we are blessed to be here with Himself in Creation...for such a time as this.  Love and blessings to all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth.  Psalm 96:11-13

Yes!  Our Lord is worthy to be praised and this earth is His sanctuary!  






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