Written by Patricia Ann
God gave me a vision, a dream, and a desire. And then He gave me the place, the portion of His Word to confirm and eagles meeting me and circling over the land the day I bought it ...and I knew that indeed the Heart and Hand of God is in the midst of this, a beautiful place for the unloved to feel love and He has named it, Heaven's Acre. He said, "If you build it, they will come." And he said, "I will send you helpers and I will provide all that you need." And I faithfully say, "Yes, Lord! " And I wait in anticipation for each day as He brings forth the vision to reality, for His Glory and His love to restore His people unto Himself.
Imagine a place so beautiful that you know when you enter into it, that it was created by God just for you. It was created for a moment in time when you needed Him the most and He led you to this perfect, peaceful place...a place where His love abounds.
It is Heaven's Acre, a small but beautiful piece of God's creation, filled with His Beauty and Fragrance...filled with His Love. There, you enter into a place of open arms and listening ears. There, you enter into a place of prayer. There, you enter into His presence through a loving embrace of someone who understands where you have been and unconditionally loves you to a peaceful understanding of where you are going.
And there, you enter into Praise and Worship, as the One who loves you the Most meets you with such a fulfilling of your soul that Heaven's Glory is made manifest and you are made well. You are whole and completely healed, in your mind, body, spirit and soul, and you just know that for this time in your life, Heaven's Acre was created for you. You just know that it was God who led you to this perfect, peaceful place....a place where His love abounds.
I truly believe that in all of my life's experiences, both good and bad...some very bad, God was preparing me for such a time as this, a time for the raising up of His people from some very deep emotional wounds, from sickness and from rejection. He prepared my Heart to truly love as He loves. I don't know exactly how I got to this place, only that I am here and our Lord is here and He has a plan that He has put into action. And I know I have waited for it for years. I could feel it. And I have heard Him say,
" It has started." And I must say that I am humbled and in awe that His plans for this, include me.
Jeremiah 29:11 "for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Amen! Yes Lord.
I will be sharing in the days to come, pictures and the greatness of God's plan for loving people in Heaven's Acre. I will share with you the Heart of God, as He works this out for His Glory and for the love of His people.
My prayer for today is that we all believe when we hear that small still voice from God. May we believe and expectantly with Faith watch and praise God as His plans for our lives manifest in Glory.
Let us Praise the Lord for He is Good. His love endures forever! Amen.
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