Written by
Patricia Ann Howard Peterson 2/2/2024
I was sitting quietly in my living room, reflecting on a poem I had read on a Facebook post. It was about God's beautiful love that He has for us. The poem was sweet and touched my heart.
Then, in an instant...I received this message from my Lord.
He simply stated, "There is no troubled part of your soul."
I heard that! And as I pondered it, I wondered, "Why then have these years gone by leaving me feeling so broken, so troubled and so depleted?"
I wondered and I questioned... "How did I forget, or did I ever know?"
Then, in an instant, I knew...just as God knows.
Psalm 139:14
"I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth very well."
I answered, "Yes, Lord. I hear You. There is no troubled part of my soul."
And I confessed,
"In the distractions, and chaos and confusions...I forgot to praise You!
Thank you for reminding me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Marvelous are Your works!
This my soul knows very well!
In You, my Lord...
there is no troubled part of my soul!"
My prayer for today. As distractions and chaos and confusions come our way (and they will)...may we seek our Lord first, remembering His great love for each of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us is unique and beautiful and worthy of love. And may we keep praise on our lips, and our eyes focused on the One who loves us the very Most. In that, may we find... there is no troubled part of our soul. Thank you, Jesus.
Love and Blessings to everyone that this word touches. Amen
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