Living in a bubble? A moment with Jesus...
written by Patricia Ann 10/18/2023
Living in a bubble. What does it mean to "live in a bubble"?
I imagine it is a "safe pace" where nothing can harm you.
Even though things happen that are traumatic,
retreating into your bubble allows you to "just be",
in a quiet state of viewing the outside world from your own perceived peaceful spot.
I like to imagine myself sitting near a rock and close by my Jesus is also sitting on
a rock watching me. He is smiling. (He is always smiling).
There is a warm breeze and a trickling sound of water gently flowing over smaller rocks in
the nearby stream. It is a very pretty place.
Jesus softly calls my name and motions for me to come sit with Him.
As I arrive by His side, He reaches up to wipe a tear from my eye.
He knows. He always knows.
And still He asks, "How are you doing? How have you been, and what's going on?"
My tears flow more and become sobs, as He pulls me close and gives me a hug.
He is still smiling. (He is always smiling).
And He says, "I know. I already know. And it's okay."
He says, "The things that you find so important, the intrusive thoughts, the loss, the fear,
anger and anguish... I know."
"I know how all of those things have made your heart break."
"I know that all of those things seem so confusing to you right now."
Jesus says, "Everyone always wants to know 'why?' They always ask me 'Why?"
And... I look at Jesus. He is still smiling. (He is always smiling).
I ask Jesus, "Why?" "Why did these things happen to me?"
And Jesus looked me in the eyes with His and He said, "Just like Job and just like Peter,
the devil has asked to sift you." "I told Peter, 'I pray you won't be tempted'."
"I have also prayed this many times for my people."
I can feel the love of Jesus, as He is gently talking with me. He cares. He truly cares.
He knows my heart. He is still smiling at me. (He is always smiling.)
And He says,
...your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. Therefore, pray this, The Lord's Prayer.
Matthew 6:9-13.
It is always the answer.
In this prayer, you find everything you need. It is always the answer....
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Oh, how I treasure these moments with Jesus. Sitting with Him near the gently flowing stream of living water,
He intently shares Himself with me. He knows me intimately and I seek to know Him more and more.
He is always near, ready to ask about my day and how I am, but I know...He already knows.
And He smiles. (He is aways smiling.)
What does it mean to live in bubble?
I imagine it is resting in a "safe pace" where nothing can harm us.
Even for a moment in time,
retreating into our bubble allows us to "just be"....Free.
My prayer for today is that we find Jesus is in every bubble, ready to listen,
comfort and love us. And may we bask in the Glory of His smile.
He is always smiling!
Love and prayers to all in Jesus' name.
Luke 22:3131 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
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