Think on things lovely and lovable... Ephesians 4:31-32
Patricia Ann
Oh how much we would benefit if only we would think on things lovely and lovable!
God's word tells us many times about the problems that arise when we allow ourselves to be overtaken by anger or hurt feelings. His word shows us that in order to live in peace with joy, we need to put our focus on Him to be tender-hearted and look on all things lovely and loveable.
I found this in a book I was reading recently...
If you would increase your happiness and prolong your life, forget your neighbor's faults.
Forget all the slander you have ever heard.
Forget the temptations.
Forget the faultfinding and give a little thought to cause which provoked it.
Forget the peculiarities of your friends, and only remember the good points
which make you fond of them.
Forget all personal quarrels or histories you may have heard by accident, and which if repeated,
would seem a thousand times worse than they are.
Blot out as far as possible all the disagreeables of life;
they will come, but will only grow larger when you more familiar with them,
and the constant thought of the acts of meanness, or worse still, malice,
will only tend to make you more familiar with them.
Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday;
write upon today's clean sheet those things lovely and loveable.
(From Leaves of Gold, 1950. pg. 100)
Now, we do know that this really isn't easy to do sometimes, but it is necessary for a life of peace and joy.
Our Father in Heaven loves us so much that He has given us a choice over our thoughts, emotions and our bodies.
We can choose what we hold onto; evil or good, choosing life or death to our own soul.
My prayer for today is that we seek all those things lovely and loveable.
Despite our circumstance or situation, we must make a choice to choose to forgive and to forget, thus allowing the bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, etc. to melt away into nothingness, as beauty fills our souls and our Spirit soars in triumph over the ugly and ungodly actions of this world.
Praise God from whom all Blessings come in Jesus' precious Name. Amen.
Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT)
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

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