Heavenly Thoughts ~~ Jeremiah 29:11
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Monday, August 16, 2010
I find myself today once again giving praise to God as He is always faithful to keep His word and working out his
plan and purpose.
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This is one of my favorite verses of the Bible.
As I continually see God's hand at work in the lives of people who are distressed, either physically or emotionally, or both - it pleases me and brings me peace and joy in the knowledge that no matter how bad things become, God does have a perfect plan that will see us through.
My prayer for today is that as His children, we always remember to seek out our Father in Heaven, asking for understanding and having faith that no matter what the circumstance of any situation is -- His will shall be done according to His plan.
I know it isn't always easy to do, but God is always waiting to pour out His love onto each of us. He knows our heart and He understands our pain and He desires for each of us to prosper in His loving care.
Thank you for reading my blog and blessings to you.
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