Psalm 145:3 (NIV), Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
Jesus didn't refer to His Father as daddy, so why should we?
Patricia Ann
For quite a few years now, I have heard people referring to God as "Daddy". They talk about sitting on "Daddy's lap and walking with Daddy in prayer"... but doesn't this diminish who God really is?
It always gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something was not quite right with the reference of "daddy" when it refers to our God.
Ever since my ministry began in 2009, and I started writing for God, He has had me refer to Himself as my Father in Heaven or as our Creator, or as God, but never has he had me write a single word referencing Himself as my "daddy" and that sets well within my soul.
I believe that somewhere in time the enemy of God implanted the notion that if we just call our Father in Heaven "daddy" instead of God, that it would be good enough. After all the word daddy means father.
When I looked up the word daddy in the dictionary, it did not say God or Father in Heaven. It simply said father.
Here is an example of one dictionary definition of the word daddy:
one's father, the oldest, best, or biggest example of something, "the daddy of all potholes."
Another reference was to "sugar daddy." And the reference used by small children to their father.
Think about this for a moment.
Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven because he wanted to be God and he has always sought to steal our true Father in Heaven's identity. Therefore, if the enemy of our God can cunningly sneak into society's hearts and minds that it is simply okay to refer to our Father in Heaven as just "daddy", then the enemy feels that he has accomplished something against he kingdom of God.
Think about this: There are 182 references to God the Father in the 4 books of the Gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
There is not a single reference to "daddy."
In Mark 14:36, Jesus speaks...
"Abba, Father," He said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what You will."
He referred to His Father as Abba Father... my dear Father.
And since Jesus didn't refer to His Father as Daddy, I question, why should we?
The truth is: Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3
Our God, our Father in Heaven is worthy to be praised. He is to revered, honored and glorified for Who He is! We are to fall on our knees in honor and reverence and worship seeking His presence within us and knowing that He is indeed much more than a "daddy".
Read Job 38-41... when God speaks to Job.
Read Job's answer to God in Job 42.
As our Father in Heaven talked with Job about who He is, as our Maker, the Creator of the universe, our God, let us also seek to see Him for these exact same ways.
Our Father in Heaven is the same, for eternity. This is the never changing Truth and reality of Who He is and Whose we can be.
My prayer for today is that we take the time to search our soul and find true reverence and honor to our Father in Heaven. May we not fall into the cunning scheme of the enemy to dull our senses to the glory and honor that our God deserves and commands.
Jesus didn't refer to His Father as Daddy, so why should we? Isn't He indeed... Abba Father, my (our) dear Father?
My dear Father has never had me write a single word referencing Himself as my "daddy" and that sets well within my soul.
Love and blessings to all as we praise our Father in Heaven. Amen
Job 38-41... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+38-42&version=NIV
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