The Humble Heart in Prayer...
This poem was written by my grandmother in 1950.
As I read it, I can feel her love for God. Although many times throughout my life I heard people, family members mostly, say bad things about my grandma. I wonder if they really ever saw her as Jesus saw her. Did they see her humble heart, His heart ,which beat ever so lovingly within her soul?
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I cast on Thee my earthly care~
for thou dost keep me through the years.
And now I come to Thee in humble prayer~
That Thou wouldst keep me from all fears.
Help me each day~
to do Thy Blessed Will.
That I no more might go astray~
to be with Thee I humbly pray.
Forgive me for the wrongs I do and say.
I beg of Thee on bended knee~
And give me strength that I might do each ~
of the tasks I know Thou sendest me.
Oh Lord, I know not what tomorrow brings~
But I'm content to do Thy Will.
I know thou givest us all good things~
And know that Thou art with us still.
by Evelyn Howard
Copyright 1950
Her words in this prayer to God are a beautiful reflection of her heart, her desire to be His good daughter, yet knowing that wrongs do occur. However, when on "bended knee" she asks for forgiveness and strength to do those things that she knows he is sending her to do.
She knows not what tomorrow brings, but is content to do His will.
She knows that He gives us all good things and that Thou art with us still (through all things).
What a beautiful heart and love for God! A beautiful understanding of His desires for her and her need for Him
in all things.
Perhaps through my Grandma's prayer to God, we can understand our journeys through this life a little better and apply that which she knew and wrote to our Lord in prayer into our daily lives.
I wonder if they really ever saw her as Jesus saw her? Did they see her humble heart, His heart ,which beat ever so lovingly within her soul?
My prayer for today is that this little prayer written from the heart of one of God's precious daughters many years ago touches your heart as it has touched mine. We are truly blessed to be children of such an awesome God!
Love and Blessings to all in Jesus precious name. Amen
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