Jealous of Jesus? Don't Resent...Repent! Ezekiel 36:26
Patricia Ann: Originally posted on Friday, May 05, 2017 11:59 AM
Jealous of Jesus? Don't resent...Repent!
Have you ever met anyone who just can't seem to find joy in your happiness and love for Jesus?
They see your joy and seek to bring you down.
They want your attention fully on them. They seek to be your only joy, your only love, and have all of you.
Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
I believe Jesus would say, "Woe to you who seek to find fulfillment in another human being before you find joy in me. For there is no true joy, unless it comes from the Father through me."
Woe to you who believe that you are so great that you deserve more love and attention than God, who is the Creator of all that you see and all that you experience.
Without God there would be nothing... no beauty, no love to be found.
Satan is the author of confusion and lies.
Like Satan, each of these people are filled with selfish desires, only seeking to fulfill that which is pleasing to his own eyes and flesh. Their hearts are of stone, lacking compassion and understanding of God, our Father.
As Lucifer sought to be God, he was cast out of the heavens and down to earth where he has free reign over the earth. That means that the enemy of our God has access to each of us, God's children.
And as God seeks for us to love and honor Him and to glorify His name, the enemy of God whispers lies of deception.
Satan tells us that selfishness is okay.
God says, "No." Selfishness is not okay.
In fact, God says we must become selfless, and know that without Him, we are nothing. God tells us that in order for us to live a selfless life filled with joy and happiness, we must first be filled with Him.
Seek not the fulfillment of another human, but seek the fulfillment of our God, in relationship with Him through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior.
Jesus died so that we may live. Jesus died and was resurrected, so that we may love and find that innermost peace and joy that comes from Him and lives in the hearts and minds of those who are in full relationship with our God.
God's children do not seek selfish ways, but instead feel the same love and compassion toward people as Jesus does. We seek to share our Father's love, joy and peace with everyone that we meet.
We seek to bring our Father's Word forth to those whose minds are set on the selfish desires of this world...to those who freely ridicule us and attempt to steal our joy. We see that they are lacking the relationship that we have with Jesus. These people are really walking in pain and are lacking a relationship with our Lord.
So often, these people lash out at us in anger and resentment in a jealous rage.
They are jealous of our relationship with Jesus.
They want what we have, but they refuse to allow Jesus into their heart.
Instead they seek to control us with their own selfish desires to be in control of everything and everyone around them. They are the picture that God shows us of those who are lost in captivity of Satan's lies and deception.
They refuse to relinquish their control to God, therefore walking daily with a void, an empty space inside their heart that can only be filled by God. As as this space is empty, Satan seeks to fill it up with bitterness, anger and resentment ...all of which will turn a heart to stone.
The only answer to to being jealous of Jesus is to get to know Him.
God's word tells us:
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26
The only answer to finding true inner peace and joy is to get to know Jesus.
He already knows our pain.
He already knows our troubles, our past and our present troubles.
We hold our future in our hands!
Jesus is ready and waiting to lavish all people with the same love that He gives to those we see who are walking in joy and peace. We desire to and are willing to share our God happiness, joy and inner peace! These things can only come through giving all control to Jesus, and trusting that He is the only one who will rescue who us from the pit of Satan's lies and deceit.
In fact, He already has. Jesus' death on the cross was for you and me!
God will give us life everlasting when we turn to Him, choosing to live in His presence, His word and His ways daily.
He loves us regardless of how life has been for us. He created us in His image! It was God who breathed life into each of us! It is God who knit us in our mother's womb!
He has been watching us, seeking us, but also allowing us to make mistakes and to choose our own path in life.
So, why be jealous of those who are walking with Jesus?
It sounds crazy because it is crazy!
Satan is the author of lies and confusion and he doesn't deserve our attention. He can and will bring us nothing, but sorrow and deception, followed by death in the end.
He laughs and laughs at the division he causes and the best way to stop the enemy of our God is to live a Christ-filled life.
So, instead of being a joy stealer, despising those who love Jesus and seeking to bring them down...try joining them! I promise that Jesus will take us into His loving arms, as He forgives us and welcomes us always into our Father's house. And there is no better place to reside!
It is good to repent and not resent! There is no other way!!
My prayer for today is that we stop and think the next time we are hating on someone, resenting or are filled with bitterness and anger. Those are tools of the devil as he seeks to steal, kill,and destroy the kingdom of God.
I pray that we take the time to get down on our knees and repent...not resent!
Praise God from whom ALL Blessings come! Love to all in Jesus Name.
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