Written by Patricia Ann 7/23/24
Oh, how blessed we are that our Father gives us reminders of His great love everyday!
For me, the clouds carry many messages. In the vast variety of shapes He creates, I've seen faces of people I've known, eagles, fish, boats, a stairway into heaven, and bodies ascending into the clouds. I've seen a beautiful white horse and now this sheep. They all inspire me to know the Scriptures, to search my Father's Word and to sit quietly with my Lord and think on things...to receive and digest His message and His love.
As I was driving to town, I looked up to the sky and I saw this sheep standing alone in the clouds.
I thought of these Scriptures and the Bible verses that speak to us about sheep.
In Matt. 18:12 Jesus tells us...
What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?
Was this image in the sky a reminder that if we become lost, Jesus, our Shepherd will come find us? Think of how much He loves us, to leave ninety-nine and go find one!
And how much more it means when that lost one is you or me. Our Lord truly does love each of us the Most! He calls us His own. He calls us Worthy to be loved.
John 10:27-28 speaks to us, also. Jesus tells us,
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
How awesome is that ?
Jesus knows us! And we can know Him, and hear His voice and follow Himself.
Jesus promises us that in Himself we have eternal life and will never perish. Jesus tells us that nobody will be able to pluck us from His hands.
Once again, we can rest assured that Jesus does love each of us intimately and purely!
Oh, how blessed we are that our Father gives us reminders of His great love everyday.
For me, the clouds carry many messages in the vast variety of shapes He creates. I've seen faces of people I've known, eagles, fish, boats, a stairway into heaven, and bodies ascending into the clouds. I've seen a beautiful white horse and now this sheep. They all inspire me to know the Scriptures, to sit quietly with my Lord and think on things...to digest His message and His love.
My prayer for today is that we hear the voice of our Lord, as He speaks gently to our heart, "You are not lost! In Me you are found. And I love you dearly."
Jesus is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture.
May we find rest and healing in the loving arms of our Lord, as He picks us up and holds us close to Himself.
Love and blessings to all in Christ Jesus. Amen ❤️
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