By Patricia Ann Peterson 3.19.24
Sharing my moments in God's glorious creation at the rivers edge. The geese left as I arrived, honking loudly on their way. The sun was shining with a warmth amid the coolness of the breeze. The river water was calm and quiet and allowed the sounds of nature to speak to our Creator. Thank you, God, for awakening the springtime dandelion and the green grass standing in tufts among the dead dry leaves that winter left. You are the way, my Lord, the life within our hearts, the love that we share with all who are willing to know and love and see You in Your beautiful creation. I pray that the cold hearts of many awaken to Your call, just as You awaken the flowers and the grass grows and trees get leaves...may people see and hear You, Your voice in the wind and may they begin to grow and flourish in your unconditional love ❤️. And as the sun sets in the day's end, may we rest in the knowledge that You alone Lord, love us the Most...

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