By Patricia Howard Peterson 2/19/24
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
I recently read a Quora post about the narcissistic relationship being like a 24/7 convenience store.
As I read the article, I read the comments that followed and I was given this to share...
Yes! When I was duped into marriage with the narcissist love bombing, he actually said…let's be a 24/7 couple. And we have been 24/7 while he lies, cheats, manipulates and feels nothing, but anger and frustration towards me. He is truly the meanest, most deplorable person I have ever known.
I spent years trying to help him to overcome his “mental illness”, only to finally realize that he feeds off of those evil, cold remarks that have brought me to my knees so many times…making me feel so ugly and unworthy that I could never leave. He barely works a job, and I scrape by financially, in poverty.
I'm his supply and when I recently told him I hate him/ hate what he does and says, he unraveled…because that means I see thru him. I always have and that damages his ego.
His own self-hatred is as bad as the hatred he spews forth at me. I'm his only target, his chosen one. 24/7 he is like an evil snake waiting to feed again every few days. Ten years worth of emotional pain and when I told him to get out, he suddenly feels the need to stay…because “I need him”.
No, I don't. I'm closing the 24/7 convenience store and opening a new one. It's called “Freedom”. And I am learning to embrace the beautiful loving me that I was before him.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
This Scripture has spoken to my heart for many years, as my Jesus has picked me up, wiped my tears, and hugged me with the most beautifully loving embrace.
Jesus is the husband of His people, His daughters. Jesus' love heals the broken heart.
Yes, Jesus knows the plans He has for us and they far exceed the narcissistic, love bombing lies of the evil ones that only seek to fulfill their own selfish desires.
With Jesus love, we are assured Freedom to live and to love and to thrive!
So, step out of that 24/7 convenience store. Close the door. Lock it and throw away the key!
My prayer for today is for every person that has been "stuck in the muck" of that 24/7 emotional narcisstic trauma.
I pray that you learn to embrace that beautiful, loving person that is the true you.
Embrace the "you" that existed before the narcissist sought to bring you into his very own hell.
Know that you did your best. And let Jesus do the rest!
You are Worthy ❤️.
We are Worthy ❤.
We are loved ❤️.
Love and Blessings and Miracles to all. In Jesus' name. Amen.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
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