By Patricia Ann 11/27/22

Sometimes, we feel like a sinking ship, having taken on too much. Too many burdens, needlessly carried alone, weigh us down and after a while, we are tired, worn down and worn out. We just can't do it anymore!
We cry....and nobody seems to notice.
We ask for help and meet blank stares and deaf ears.
We seek. Yet, we do not find what we think we need.
Where is our help? Where is our solution?
Where is our family, our friends? Where will our help come from?
The answer is as simple, as it is complicated.
In the midst of feeling like our ship is turned upside down, there is One who hears our cry and acts lovingly on our behalf.
There is One who notices our dilemma and truly cares.
There is One who is willing to come alongside and help bear the weight in the storm that rocks our ship, our faith, tossing us to and fro.
There is One who will not allow us to be a sinking ship.
And this beautiful One is Jesus Christ, our King, our everpresent help in times of trouble.
Jesus reaches down with His mighty hand and turns our ship right side up! He calms the storm and smiles at us lovingly, letting us know that He has never left our side. We were always safe and secure and cared for by the One who loves us the Most.
In the storms of life, we are so often like a ship on the ocean trying to make its way through fierce storms that toss us around and create chaos and fear within our being. And, in these times, when we get caught up in the circumstances of the storm, we are like a little ship that has taken on too much water.
We feel like a sinking ship, having taken on too much water. Too many burdens, needlessly carried alone, weigh us down and after a while, we are tired, worn down and worn out. We just can't do it anymore!
But, our Lord! He never leaves us or forsakes us and He will always call our hearts back unto Himself.
Sometimes, He shows up Himself, as a magnificent bright light and He speaks to us. Sometimes, He shows up in a dream. Or, He sends a heavenly angel with a message. He shows up in hospitals, at the scene of accidents, in schools and in workplaces, and in the grocery store or on the street. Often, He sends an earth angel...a person that just shows up in our life with a message of hope and love.
And, we know that God has set a forth an appointed make Himself known to us intimately and amazingly with a love so beautiful that we never want to leave His presence.
And we realize that we were never a sinking ship. We were never lost or alone. And, we never ever had to carry our burdens alone. We only needed to call out to Jesus! Realizing that He was always there, we can let go of all the tensions, all of the strife, all of the unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred that the world has to offer.
And in that, we can set sail on an ocean of adventures with the One who loves us the Most!
My prayer for today is simply that we allow ourselves to let go of those burdens and receive Jesus into our hearts and live a new and vibrant life. When striving ceases, joy increases!
Love and Blessings to all in Jesus' Name. Amen
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