Sometimes, Lord...

Published on 15 June 2024 at 00:14

Written by Patricia Ann

June 14,2024


Sometimes Lord, as I sit to write, my eyes grow heavy with sleep.

Sometimes Lord, as I sit to write 

the words just don't quickly come.

Sometimes Lord, as I sit to write memories flood my mind.

And sometimes Lord, as I sit to write as I relinquish my hands to you...

A Most beautiful story unfolds, 

a story just waiting to be told.

I write testimonies of goodness and grace...and more. 

 I am thankful that even as my eyes grow heavy with sleep, 

My Lord is in control.

He shares His essence in heartfelt ways,

through testimony, poetry and song.

May we never lose our obedience. May we never lose our song.

May we never stop praising Him...

All the day long.



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