A Nation in Distress? 2 Chronicles 2:17
Patricia Ann
If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 4:17
This is the word of God.
For many years, the United States of America has been writhing in a sea of destruction. Issues involving gay marriage, abortion, race and illegal immigration have been working to divide our country.
Many citizens of our country pray for God to intervene. We humble ourselves, pray and seek the face of our God and many have turned from their own wicked ways.
What happens next?
I believe that God is doing just as He said He would do.
Our God has heard the prayers of his humble children seeking His face. He sees them turn from their evil ways.
And our God is doing just what He said He would do.
Our God has forgiven our sin and He has taken steps to heal our nation.
What happens next?
When it is time for our country to elect the next President of our United States of America,
Does anyone really think that God's hand would not be all over this decision?
It is our God whom we prayed to.
It is our God who has the power to change and to heal our nation.
But, some of the people... even some of those who have prayed to God for help have been very upset at the choice that was presented to us for President of the United States.
Why are they upset?
Could it be that they are blinded by the lies and manipulation of the enemy of our God?
Could it be that they are blinded by the lies and manipulation of the news media?
Could it even be that many are blinded by the biblical lies and misconceptions of the church?
God didn't need to ask us our opinion.
God didn't need to see if we approve of His decision.
Our God knows what is best for us.
Our God seeks what is best for us.
Did you ever stop to think about the fact that God loves us?
Did you forget that God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus
to be the sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind?
Did you forget that life is a miracle?
Did you forget that each of us is knit together in our mother's womb?
Did you forget that we are created in our Father's image?
Did you forget that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit
by which we receive who He is within us?
Did you forget?
Why did you forget?
Did you ever really know?
So, people prayed.
God acted.
Now there are people who are angry and they are reacting.
What a mess!
And do you know what our God tells us?
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13
As our God is an awesome God indeed, may we all be humbled each day, as His love for us continues and as He rains His spirit down onto each of us and to our nation... His nation. We are His people, this is His nation and we are just beginning to experience all that He has in store for us. Get ready and watch! Change is good and this change is from God for
His people!
Be blessed my friends and keep praising our Lord.
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