Jesus...The Perfect Gift
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Oh Lord, my God. Where? Where are the true believers? Where are those who are ready to fall to their knees in humble adoration for the Christ child? Where are those who forego the gift giving frenzy and are content to focus on our Lord, praising and thanking Him for who He is, for who He was born to be?
Jesus was born to be our Savior, our friend, the one who loves us, guards us and protects us, walks beside us in all things and at all times. It is because of Jesus that we have the gift of salvation. It is because our Father in Heaven gifted the world with His son that we are able to choose to live a life fulfilled with abundant love, peace and joy.
It is Christmas time! It is a remembrance of the birth of baby Jesus. It is a time to praise and honor and remember His birth. It is a birthday party for Jesus!
I see the hustle and bustle of people shopping for gifts and parties. People buy gifts and send beautiful cards with messages preprinted on the inside. People take pride in where they shop, who they buy for and what will be the best and most appropriate gift for their one special person that they love, for their children, parents or friends. They look for the perfect gift. And then they wrap it in beautiful paper with fancy ribbons and place it under a tree to be looked at in awe and wonder until Christmas day.
But did you ever stop to think that the perfect gift was Jesus?
And He came to us humbly, born in a stable among the animals and placed in a bed of straw in a feeding trough for the animals… that we call the manger that held baby Jesus.
Jesus was and remains the most perfect gift. And I cry out to my God…
Where? Where are the true believers, whose hearts are bound in love… forever connected to the Christ child?
Where are the true believers that fall to their knees in humble adoration and thankfulness for the birth of our King?
As Jesus walked humbly among the people, let us walk humbly as well. Let us love as He loves.
May we NOT walk this Christmas season demonstrating pride of the perfect gifts we have bought for others, but instead walk humbly acknowledging the one and only perfect gift — the gift of Jesus.
Let us celebrate His birthday in humble adoration singing praises to His glorious name!
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