For the Love of Jesus
Patricia Ann, originally posted on Sunday, July 20, 2014
Life matters! There are a lot of people who dislike milestones in their life, like turning 30, 40 or 50... then 60 or even
70 years old.
I, however, do not concern myself with the chronological age of a person, but instead focus on a person's heart.
Our heart knows no years. In our heart we find a reflection of our Lord. And our Lord is infinite, omnipresent; meaning that He is everywhere and has always been in existence. He knows no age and shows no age.
We are made in the image of our Lord and even though we have human bodies that eventually succumb to age, it is our heart, our relationship with our Father in Heaven that matters the most in our life.
In our Father in Heaven, we find love, joy and peace which sustains us in this world in which we live.
It is because of this relationship with our Father in Heaven that we are able to love other people. Without a true and real relationship with our Creator, we flounder in this world. We do not know real love and we lose sense of who we are and where we are going.
Looking back in reflection of years past, I have grown in my love for Jesus.
As I have cried out to Him in painful situations, He has held me.
When I have cried out to Him in misunderstanding, He has given me answers.
When I have cried out to Him in loneliness, He has sent me comforters who lift me up in His word, who have prayed for me and with me.
When I have felt like I was defeated, and had no energy to get up and fight the battle, He has given me an inner strength to keep me going.
And when my heart has been broken and I felt like it was beyond repair, I cried out to Jesus in pain.
He said to me, " I love you."
"I was born for you and I died for you."
"And in my death, I have given you life."
"I have taken the burdens of the world unto myself."
"I have taken every painful situation, every misunderstanding, all of the loneliness, defeat and brokenness that you could ever experience. And if you cry out to Me and ask with a pure and honest heart, accepting what I have done for you, I will ease your pain. I will hold you. I will give to you knowledge and understanding. I will send you comforters. In Me you will find strength to go on and in Me your broken hearts will be broken no more."
I find myself humbled that my Lord loves me so much. I am humbled that in all of my trials and painful situations and when I felt so unworthy in this world, Jesus called on me to do His work.
I am not perfect and I will continue to make mistakes, as I walk in this world, but in my heart, I am full of the love of Jesus.
I live for the love of Jesus.
Without Him I would be nothing, floundering away in this difficult world.
But with Him, I have love.
And it is for the Love of Jesus and a relationship with our Father in Heaven that I live.
For a long time, I tried to live my life according to my own thoughts and desires. I ignored the gentle nudging of my God and chose my own way. I can only imagine that He shook his head in despair, as I kept fighting His love for me, taking difficult roads and opening the wrong doors. I created my own difficulties by the choices I made in this world, by not always putting my Lord first.
Now with a humbled heart, I tell you that when I finally looked up and said, "Yes, Lord, I hear You calling," and I have made the choice to do what He asks of me, I have been blessed with the love of Jesus.
Birthdays come and go as we mature in this world. As our human bodies age in outward appearance, let us always remember that it is our heart that matters the most in our lives. Made in the image of our Father in Heaven, we have each been given the opportunity to have a God heart, practicing in His love and reflecting His light, and who He is in us.
Our heart knows no years, but it lives for and recognizes the love of Jesus Christ as our Savior.
My prayer for today is that we remember that it is for the love of Jesus that we have life. It is for the love of Jesus that we are able to freely love, giving and receiving His great love in this world.
Let us humbly declare our love for Jesus because if it weren't for the love of Jesus, we would have no hope and we would not know love.
Blessings to all in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
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