Jesus was there... 1 John 14:1-3
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2013
This morning, shortly after I started my day, I heard the news of another tragedy in our country.
Five people were shot and killed. Three adults and two small children were killed and a third child injured.
I wondered...
What happened?
Who was involved?
As a counselor, sometimes I feel like I should have an instant answer when someone has a problem.
Many times I do, but when tragedy strikes, I am taken to a place of silence and contemplation.
My heart grieves for the victims along with the families, friends and the community involved.
I am silenced into the presence of our Father in Heaven and I listen for his heartfelt answers to my questions.
I, too, ask why did this happen?
Why does tragedy happen to innocent young children?
Why does tragedy happen to young families, grandparents, or friends?
Why does tragedy strike those we love?
Why are some people in our world so hate-filled and vindictive that they make the choice to murder?
As our country is becoming increasingly violent, we see the tragedy of violent acts on the news every day. There are murders, bombings, and shootings. Innocent people lose their lives as a result of hatred in the name of vengeance.
While asking why, we sometimes find ourselves hating as well. We hate the act that took our loved ones away
from us. We don’t understand and we often allow ourselves to hate as well. We hate the perpetrator who
committed the crime.
Sometimes we never get to know why tragedy happened. We don’t know why children are targets for acts of hate.
And we mourn.
We grieve.
Our hearts hurt deep inside.
The answer I got today as I sat in silence with our Father in Heaven was this:
Jesus was there.
He was there when the crime was committed.
He was there and He welcomed the victims - our loved ones and friends into His presence and glorious light.
He walked with them into Heaven, talking with them. They were also welcomed by those who have gone to Heaven before them as they were taken into their beautiful new eternal home.
And Jesus was there when we heard the tragic news. He was right by your side as you cried and tried to
understand why. Jesus is here now and He will comfort us as we hurt, as we grieve. His love will minister to our hearts and create within each of us a peace and understanding that could only come from our Father in Heaven.
Jesus is love.
He knows our heart.
He understands our pain and our sadness.
He seeks to answer our questions, to soothe our pain and to give us strength amidst the tragedy.
Only through Jesus will we overcome the senseless acts of murder and survive the tragedies that come our way.
He will love us though our pain, ease the burden with His presence and lead us out of the tragedy and into His glory.
My prayer for today is for the presence of Jesus to cover each person affected by this tragedy.
I pray that we walk in His presence letting His love and His light guide us in understanding, peace, healing and forgiveness.
Sometimes we feel like our loved ones are taken from us before their time. Rest assured, however, that we will see them again in Heaven.
When Jesus was talking with His disciples before His ascension into Heaven,
He said to them:
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (1 John 14:1-3 KJV)
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