As Jesus loves the little children... Matthew 18:3
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2018
I stood as I watched the grown up people blatantly refuse our Father in Heaven. They refused to enter His house.
They refused to hear His word. They refused to join in song and worship. They mocked and scoffed at His servants sent to share His word. They refused a smile. They refused a kind word. They refused, as they went on to slander the servants sent by God to share His word, testimony and love. If the church wasn't going to be run like it has always been, they would refuse it, seeking to punish the servants of God. They called themselves Christian, but truly showed no form of Godliness. As they refused God's simple gesture of love in sending willing servants to share who He is, they proved themselves to be pharisees.
It was the children who were accepting of the servants of God. When the servants of God arrived in this small town, they were warned about the children. When the servants set a statue at the corner of the church yard, they were warned that it would probably be vandalized by these same children. It was a statue of Jesus holding the little children, a statement that served to prove so very true during the 18 months that the servants of God worked in this small community.
It was the children who sought Jesus. It was the children who came to the servants' door in times of trouble and deep sorrow. It was the children who desired to sing praises to the Lord and it is the children who truly blessed the ministry.
It proved to be a children's ministry, totally void of the grown ups who continued to scoff, mock and attempt to punish
God's servants for coming into their town. As God worked in the hearts of the children, He also worked in the hearts of
His servants.
As servants of God, we must walk in obedience to His call. We may not know where He is leading or His intended purpose until we get there, or until after we have gone.
However, we can rest assured that in our willingness to go, He will create a change.
This change may not be seen right away, but we can rest faithfully that we were in the right place at the right time.
Even in the midst of hardship and rejection of the grown up people, God's interest and plan was for these servants to share who He is with His little ones growing up in the midst of blatant rejection of God, being led by religious pharisees.
God's word tells us, “If you do not change your hearts and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).
As it saddens my heart to see people blatantly rejecting my Lord, Jesus Christ and denying the power of God Almighty and the presence of the Holy Spirit, it thrills my soul, my innermost parts that God allowed us, as His servants to love the little children, to praise Him in word and song, to worship His Holy name.
May the grown ups be brought to shame and fall on their knees in praise of our Lord and Savior.
May these little ones be forever blessed as they grow in their walk with Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
May, we the servants of our God, be forever humbled and aware that our Father in Heaven would trust us with His children for such a time as this.
Thank you, Lord for allowing me to see the hearts of these children, rejected in the community, but accepted into your
loving embrace.
My prayer for today is that all people will take the word of God seriously and change their hearts to become like children, willing and obedient so that they may enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
To God be the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
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