As God, our Father, is touching my heart in a special way, today I am sharing with you His love in poetry.
Love and Blessings to all.
Father God, this is my plea! Open my eyes that I might see!
So much has happened
So much pain
I feel like I've been drowning
in a torrential rain...
Oppressed by the darkness
Only clouds everywhere
Not one speck of sunshine
Just pain after pain...
God, open my eyes that I might see
Who You are again
Please, don't abandon me...
I have been so lost
Crying in pain
I feel like I've been drowning
in a torrential rain.
Help me, God!
Send your angels to me
Come to my rescue
I want to be free...
Show me your light
in this darkness I see
I want to be the person
You made me to be...
I'm screaming inside
trying to break free.
But I can't do it alone
Lord, please help me!
Oh, thank You my Lord!
For that light I see
Oh, it is you my dear Jesus
walking toward me!
In this glorious wonder
this amazing light
I've never seen anything
so beautifully bright!
Oh, thank You my Father
this heaven I see
all of the life
You have set before me...
Oh thank you my God!
That I can see
beauty and love
You're giving to me...
The darkness is gone
The storm did retreat
And the sun is shining brightly
You've answered my plea!
God, open our eyes
that we might see
and share who You are
with all that we meet...
Our Creator, Our Father
Our Savior, our Lord
Your unconditional love
Just can't be ignored...
It's true
You never
leave us behind
You open our eyes
So we're no longer blind!
Patricia Ann
copyright May 2018
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