Three Truths...
Patricia Ann
Love and don't waste time... Be ready not recognized... And if it's not good, it's not from God!
These are three truths that God showed me several years ago.
I have shared them many times and seek to diligently remember and use them every day in my own life.
Love and don't waste time...
God is love.
His love and time is ultimately in His hands.
Not one of us knows the hour or day of His return.
And not one of us knows how many hours or days that we have to live our lives.
Look around... and know God is not the creator of chaos and misunderstanding.
God doesn't call us to waste our time, energy and gifts in stressful situations.
We have the opportunity to walk away with our best friend Jesus!
He always has our back!!
Be ready, not recognized...
God tells us the importance of NOT seeking recognition. Pride, selfishness, and greed are traits of those who seek
to be recognized.
God just wants us to be ready throughout each day, READY to be His vessel, His servant.
In being ready instead of seeking recognition, we step out of the way of self and can walk humbly in the presence of God. Only then are we of use to God as He seeks to set our appointments to love and help our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need or just to walk in joy that comes from sharing our Christ-like beauty with those we meet every day.
If it's not good, it's not from God...
Many people walk around every day angry at God.
They have many reasons, such as a sickness or disease, loss, accidents, or other devastation.
But our Father in Heaven does not desire for us to go through terrible times, experiencing pain and torment. He truly seeks a loving and giving relationship with us. It is in this relationship that we as His children experience His truth, His love, joy, comfort and healing.
It is in this relationship that our Father desires to bless us.
To receive His blessings, we have to remember that it is not God who is the cause of our anguish, but rather the enemy of our God who seeks to steal, destroy and kill the Kingdom of God.
Praise God from whom our Blessings come!! He promises to provide...to prosper us and not to harm us.
My prayer for today is that we let our lives be proof of His love!
Look to our Creator, our Father in Heaven and stand in awe and amazement of Who He is and who we are created to be, in His likeness and His great love.
Let us receive these three truths today...
Love and don't waste time...be ready not recognized...and if it's not good, it's not from God!
Love and Blessings to ALL in Jesus precious name. Amen.
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