Faith as small as the tiny mustard seed...is all you need. Matthew 17:20
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on August 06, 2012
Do you really believe the Word of God?
Do you really, deep down inside of your heart believe without a doubt, that Our Father in Heaven loves each of His children so much that He would take away our pain, our sickness, disease and troubled hearts just because we come to Him with what He tells us is just a requirement of "a mustard seed size of faith"?
He tells us in Scripture that His Son, Jesus, was born to live as a human and that Jesus died on the cross so that we can experience life abundantly, whole and complete living with The Holy Spirit indwelled within our innermost being.
I recently took an opportunity to attend a Signs and Wonders healing service in a small community near St. Louis, MO
I traveled just a few hours to get to there and was amazed when the service started and I learned that there were people worldwide who had come to this service for the specific purpose of experiencing a healing miracle from God.
The music was uplifting, with members of the church leading the attendees in praise to Our Father in Heaven. I could feel the presence of The Holy Spirit as the music continued and then the service began with the minister beginning to speak.
He used a bit of humor at times, telling of His life experiences and His meetings with Jesus and He explained that He was there conducting the healing service in order to teach as well as heal.
He told of his calling to teach us as God's children that we all have the power within each of us to do exactly what we would see him do during the service.
This minister has an anointing power of Jesus Christ to see what a person has going on inside their body. He sees the problem and then with the permission of the person He commands the problem to leave in Jesus name and for the area of the body to be regenerated to wholeness in Jesus name. Then the person is instructed to do what he or she couldn't do before.
The service lasts about three hours and the minister touches everyone who wishes to experience a healing.
I saw hearing restored, eyesight restored, people walking after years of being in a wheelchair and I saw people who had breathing problems, able to run and breathe without struggling for air.
There were minor problems and severe problems and our Lord was there for each and everyone who had their hearts desire to experience the warmth of His loving touch within their body restoring it to wholeness.
All He asks is for us to believe in Him - to come into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, His Son.
And I saw this happen as well.
Our Lord healed even those who had not yet accepted Jesus as their Savior and tears filled my eyes when later in the service these same people who had received the healing touch of God wanted and desired to know Him more.
The Holy Spirit rejoiced as they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and they became white as snow, free from the burdens and sins of yesterday and put on the newness of a life filled with Jesus Christ.
I don't know how many tears fell from my eyes as I attended the service, but I do know that contained in each tear was joy and love of Our Father in Heaven coming through me so intensely that the tears could not be held back or controlled.
God only ask that we have the faith of a mustard seed.
When the disciples could not cure a sick boy, they ask Jesus why and...
Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20
New King James Version (NKJV)
Praise God for His wondrous love, The Holy Spirit within and His awesome healing touch that restores those of us who earnestly seek Him.
My prayer for today is for God's awesome love to touch each and everyone who seeks Him providing each one with healing, wholeness and the comfort of the Holy Spirit within.
Blessings to all in Jesus precious name, Amen.
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