If anyone is in Christ...He is a New Creation....2 Corinthians 5:17
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Cor. 5:17
What does it mean to be made new again?
Have you ever felt rejected, unloved, or just unworthy of a joyful life?
These feelings plague God's children every single day!!
But did you ever think that those feelings are lies?
And these feelings are lies -- sent forth by the enemy of Our God.
This enemy is the great deceiver.
He seeks to lie and steal and when he is getting his way with God's children, God's children experience a torment of feelings, such as rejection, not being loved or unlovable, and living without the joy that God wants us to know
as His children.
As God's children -- we all make mistakes!
We are all born into a sinful world as the result of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they disobeyed
God's command.
But as humans - we are all also born with the innate knowledge that God exists.
So often, we do not know how to seek our Father in Heaven or to come into Our Father's presence until our life becomes filled with turmoil - emotional or physical pain. This includes rejection, depression and the inability to feel joy in our lives or a great fear of losing everything in a relationship with a spouse or loved one.
Just as Satan seeks to destroy our lives, God - Our Father in Heaven seeks to be in a loving and comforting, healing relationship with each of His children.
He sent His son Jesus to die for our sin and through a relationship with Him, we are made new again.
So, what does it mean to be made new again?
Well, it means that we can stop the old way of living - and we desire change to become more like Jesus.
As our daily walk changes, our thoughts and attitudes change, our language changes, our temperament changes
and our relationships change.
Before long when we look at ourselves in the mirror or others see us, we reflect a whole new image - the image of Our Creator, Our Father in Heaven who loves us and who desires for us to live whole complete lives; and to thrive in goodness and joy because of our choice to know Him, to accept His love and give it to others in return.
His awesome light shines through us as, we walk daily in relationship with Him. People see it, they feel it and they ultimately want it if they haven't found a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
And this is how we become fishers of men as Jesus tells us to do. In John 21:1-17 Jesus instructs His disciples to go forth and feed His sheep.
That means that even today, we are also disciples of Jesus, our Savior.
We are to go forth with the Word of God and share it with others - feeding them with His great Word - His love for mankind - so all people have the opportunity to know Him and accept His grace and love into their lives.
What a wonderful calling for each of us, as God's children to come from a world of sin, where we were once stained with wounds from the world and transformed into a cleansing relationship with Our Father in Heaven. It is through this relationship and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that allows us to turn away from the lies of the enemy and into the loving arms of our God. We become a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.
How awesome is that?
Did you ever think that even the hottest bath and earthly cleansing will not take away the pain and torment of the dirty, sinful presence that the enemy puts on us.
But the love of Jesus will cleanse us!
We will be cleansed from within, so that we are sparkling with beauty from the inside out. We will become pure and white as snow. We will rejoice in the presence and glory of Our God who cleanses us from all our sins and transgressions. In this kind of love we shine with a love and light for all to see.
"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. Isiah 1:18-20
Praise God for it is through His great love that we all have been born and reborn into His presence -- Gifts and blessings abound for all who come into relationship with Him and receive the Holy Spirit through His love.
Love and Blessings to all -- in His Glorious Name.
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