Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Patricia Ann, Originally posted Saturday, March 16, 2013
"Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted." (Matt. 5:4)
It has been five months ago today that my best friend went to live with our Father in Heaven. I miss him. My sons miss him. His friends miss him. It hurts, but at the same time I know how very blessed we have been to know him.
He was a wonderful friend to everyone he knew. One of the things I miss the most about him is the way he loved. His love was gentle and easy. It was a heartfelt love that he could have only gotten from his relationship with God.
He always had time to listen and truly hear our situations.
He always had a knowledgeable answer or he just sat there and listened while we talked enough to realize that we had solved or own dilemma.
He was selfless, always more willing to give than to receive.
His sincereness could be seen in his eyes and heard in the softness of his voice.
There was a calming affect in being near him.
His kindness and caring attitude was unique in this world.
He was knowledgeable and intelligent in the ways of the world and in the ways of our Lord.
And sometimes I find myself feeling very sad, thinking that maybe I didn't do enough for him while he was here. Maybe I wasn't a good enough friend or maybe I should have noticed how sick he had gotten and in my own busyness, I didn't see the severity of his illness.
Of course, in his great love for us, as his family, his intention was to spare us pain, so he silently harbored all that he was experiencing. He hid his illness until the last two months of his life.
He never wanted to be a burden to anyone, but didn't mind if everyone he knew brought their problems to him.
He was a great counselor and friend.
I know it is wrong to allow the enemy to step in and create thoughts of inadequacy in our thinking. The evil one wants us to beat ourselves up inside. He sends thoughts that create feelings of inadequacy in our minds: like maybe we should have done more, should have seen him one more time, should have said I love you one more time or any other number of things.
I remember the words of my best friend just a few months before he passed away. It was a hot day outside and I had gone on an errand out of town. When I got home, my beautiful Great Pyrenees dog, Prince, had died. I remember calling my friend and telling him about my dog. My dog was a gentle giant, always happy to see me and a great companion. I was very distraught at his untimely death. He was only three years old. I found him running along the highway one day and picked him up. No one ever claimed him, so he became part of our family. My family loved him and he loved us.
As I was talking to my best friend about the loss of my dog, I remember his words to me. He said, " You loved Prince. You did your very best at taking care of him. You always do your very best at caring and giving. And he said, don't let the enemy, Satan, cause you to beat yourself up over this."
His words were correct. I had done my very best. I loved him and for the short time I had my dog, I was blessed by his presence and his gentleness in my life.
I didn't realize however that in just a few more months I would also lose my best friend and experience those same feelings of inadequacy. But this time I have the words of my friend, instilled in my heart and my memory. Do not let the enemy cause you to beat yourself up. You have given your very best and you have loved.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted."
I feel the comfort of Jesus in my heart as I miss my best friend. I feel His love, His compassion, and His understanding. I feel His comfort as he takes my pain and turns it into pleasant memories of my friend. I know my friend is in Heaven with our Lord and sometimes I get an image of them walking together, talking about those of us who are here on earth. And I smile a little and feel very blessed at His great love and compassion for His creation.
My prayer for today is that if you find yourself mourning, don't let the thoughts of the enemy bring you down. Look up to our Father in Heaven and remember His wonderful promise. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Love and Blessings to all for Peace and Joy in every situation. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
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