For unto us ... a Savior is born! Luke 2:11
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Friday, December 24, 2010
I sat alone in my living room - listening as a family member grumbled as he wrapped Christmas presents to be opened on Christmas morning. I wondered, "Where is his joy?"
Did he also grumble as he shopped joylessly for the Christmas gifts that he felt obligated to give his family this Christmas season?
Sadness filled my heart and tears came to my eyes,
as I thought of the emptiness he must feel inside.
But at the same time , I remained filled with joy - an inner joy and peace because at this time of year
we celebrate the joy of the birth of our Savior - Jesus Christ!
He was born into this world as a tiny baby -
born for you and me - so that we can experience inner peace and
joy and love - every day of our lives.
With Jesus as our Savior -- there is no need to live a life filled with grumbling and discontent.
There has not been nor will there ever be another child born whose purpose is to save the world!
I didn't respond to my family members joyless grumbling on this day.
I once again made the choice to pray for him.
We cannot fix other people - even a family members unhappiness--is beyond our control.
But, we can lift them up in prayer to the One who is in control -- and pray for their salvation through Jesus Christ.
If you have a grumbling, discontented person in your life this Christmas season -- give them a silent gift of Jesus Christ - by lifting them up in prayer!!
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)
My prayer for this Christmas is for everyone to experience the miracle of the birth of Baby Jesus and the reason He was born.
Only through a relationship with Him do we have the opportunity to live -- and to love -- with a life fulfilled in His joy and in His peace.
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