Visions ...a walk with Jesus Habakkuk 2:2KJV
Patricia Ann, Originally posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2014
"And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV)
Almost every day I experience a vision of Jesus walking with someone.
Sometimes it is with little children. Sometimes it is with people whom I have known that have died and gone to Heaven. Mostly, I cannot recognize who He is walking with; only that He is walking slowly along a pebbled pathway and gently speaking. I can only imagine the conversation as being welcoming, telling those new to Heaven how happy He is to see them.
My visions carry a very peaceful feeling and I believe I am supposed to let everyone who has lost a parent, child or friend know that Jesus meets their loved one in Heaven with open arms. There is no fear, no pain or sadness in Heaven and I can feel the overwhelming love and joy as I get lost in my own desire to be there with them.
I often find myself wanting to walk with Jesus, and I try to picture myself walking next to him. However, I cannot envision my walk in the same way that I see Him walking with the others. I am standing at a distance viewing His interactions with them. It isn't my time to walk with Him, although He has visited me in dreams a few times.
As I recall the tenderness of Jesus, I also am mesmerized by the love in His eyes as He looks upon each child. He holds their small hands in His and His smile is joyful. I can tell He loves the little children so very much. They are His children. And of course they love Him. I see them playing around Jesus, but listening intently as He tells them a story, perhaps about their new home in Heaven. There are no tears, no whining or crying, no sadness. I can feel happiness and joy. I can see the eagerness on a child's face, as Jesus smiles and picks him up to give him a hug.
And I hear laughter of many small children as they play around Jesus feet.
The adults appear just as eager as the children to spend time with Jesus. I sense that the adults engage in conversation, concerned about their loved ones left in this world. They are filled with joy at the beauty of Heaven, but also with compassion for those they left behind.
Jesus answers each question with assurance that those left behind on earth will be given the opportunity to experience His peace and understanding in their time of grieving.
Jesus wants everyone to know that He also walks with us on the earth.
He never leaves our side. He knows our pain and He will provide an overwhelming comfort to us in times of misunderstanding, grief and despair.
He wants us to know that when we come to him in prayer or when we cry out to Him for understanding, He is near. He is ready to bring healing and comfort to our broken hearts; to our confused minds.
A year ago, in a community not far from where I live, a family was murdered in their home. Three adults and two children died. I remember sitting in my living room watching the news and feeling an overwhelming sadness. Like so many others on that day, I tried to understand how or why such a tragedy happened. I meditated on God's word and I waited. It was about six hours later, as I was still meditating and in prayer that I was given the answer.
Many people seek to blame God when tragedy happens, but God doesn't cause tragedy to come to His children.
Tragedy and bad things happen because of the sinfulness of mankind living in this world.
God's answer to me included the vision of Jesus meeting the little children and walking them into Heaven.
Since that day I have had many visions of Jesus walking and talking with someone. I know in my heart that when we die, Jesus meets us with open arms and walks with us into the place He has prepared for us; into our new Heavenly home.
My prayer for today is that all of us as God's children, can experience comfort and healing in the knowledge that Jesus Christ greets our loved ones and leads them into Heaven. Let us remember that Jesus continues to walk with us here on earth as well. He is available for us to call on Him and He will provide us with the same peace joy and understanding that he gives to those in Heaven.
Blessings to all in Jesus precious name, Amen.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
John 14:1-3
Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
I would like to share with you the testimony of Sasha Steel. She was just five years old when she was taken in the spirit to Heaven. In her testimony of meeting Jesus she writes:
I found myself walking in this beautiful place where I felt safe, secure, and a great love and peace over me. As I began to look around I saw a river, clear and transparent almost crystal. The green grass was as deep as an emerald stone, the sky was so beautiful as the light was so bright. Then I looked to see who was holding my hand. It was Jesus. His eyes were like fire and ever so kind, so full of the purest of love that you could ever imagine. His hand was so big compared to mine. It had light coming out of the hole where the nail had gone through his hand. He took me to this wonderful place where I saw lots of children. As the other children gathered around Jesus and myself, He talked to us.
Praise God for those who are willing to share their testimony.
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