"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Psalms 16:8, KJV
Patricia Ann: Originally posted April 17, 2020
I have a King James Bible sitting on my coffee table in my living room. For several days, as I walked through the room, I felt a nudging to stop and read the Psalms. Always thinking I was busy, I kept neglecting that urging from our Father. Sometimes, we do that. We ignore those all important nudges from God.
Sometimes, when we have neglected long enough, God speaks a little louder or in a different way.
A few days ago, I woke up with this scripture verse in my mind. Over and over again I heard, " I shall not be moved." Then, I remembered the words to a song I had heard many times when I was younger...."Like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved."
Ok. God had my attention now. He put a song in my head. "I shall not be moved", played over and over again in my mind and as I walked through my living room, I stopped and picked up my Bible. I knew what I had to do.
God had a message for me and I was not going to put it off any longer. He had nudged me to read the Psalms, starting at Psalms 1 all the way to the end. I hadn't read the Book of Psalms from beginning to end for some time. I was deeply humbled when I read a little way in the scripture and found many scripture verses that ended in "I will not be moved." I found myself in awe of this message that God knew I needed. I thought to myself..."why didn't I just stop and read this days ago at that first nudging?"
Our Father in Heaven knows what is best for us. He is our Heavenly Father and He does indeed give us direction that will help us along our journey. In another scripture, in His word, God tells us, "Be still and know that I am God." He invites us to be quiet in our spirit, so that we can hear Him. As life gets busy, we get frustrated and preoccupied with ourselves and what is going on around us. It is at these times that it would be wise to just sit and spend some time with Jesus.
Jesus may not always have something to say. Maybe He just wants to hear us sing! Just to be still in His word, in His presence... is a message of peace and love that we need every day. The word of God is our food, It is manna that keeps us going and helps us to remain strong. And in His strength,...we shall not be moved!
I am reading trough the Psalms from Psalms 1 to the end. As my Father in Heaven has a message for me, I don't want to miss a single word.
He is Good and we are blessed in our obedience to His small still voice and that nudging.. Our Father is persistent and will even put in a song in our head that will get our attention! As for me, I love the way He works. God is my Father, the one who loves me the most.
He loves you that much , too!
My prayer for today...be still and listen. Don't walk past that nudge and if He puts a scripture in your head and a song in your heart... Sing! Just sing praises to His Holy name!
Its a love story! In this sometimes crazy, mixed up world, our Father is our stability. He is always watching and ready to call us back into His presence. Like a tree planted by the water, we are children, planted by our Father. We shall not be moved! Love and blessings to all in Jesus precious Name.
"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Psalms 16:8, KJV
I shall not be moved.
Click the link to hear the song....
I shall not, I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
[Verse 1]
I'm on my way to heaven, I shall not be moved
On my way to heaven, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
[Verse 2]
Oh preacher, I shall not be moved
Oh preacher, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
[Verse 3]
I'm sanctified and holy, I shall not be moved
Sanctified and holy, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
I shall not, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree that's planted by the water
I shall not be moved
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