Our God is our Source...Psalm 118:8
It is better to trust in the Lord, Than to put confidence in man.
Psalm 118:8 It is a short sentence, but contains a lifetime of meaning and truth.
Oh, how our Father in Heaven loves us so very much that in the exact middle of His word, the Holy Bible, He has placed this precious piece of knowledge.
It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.
Think about it. How many times does man let us down? It could be a family member, a best friend, or even someone we meet passing by, who somehow causes us to feel rejected or frustrated. Or, maybe an illness or loss leaves us in a state of panic or confusion. Sometimes, we just don't know where to go or who to turn to, because even after we have gone those places, we still feel like it just isn't finished within our own heart.
There is a reason for this and it is in the middle of the Bible, God's book of life, for us to live by. It is in these pages that we can find Him. We find answers, truths, healing and in these pages we can find solace in the deepest part of our being, as we find ourselves one on one with our Lord.
And in that one simple sentence in the middle of the Bible, we find the most profound truth for our existence.
It is better to trust in the Lord, than put confidence in man.
When we find ourselves trusting man, our spouse, family friends, or even our pastors, we take our eyes off of our Father in heaven and turn them on to man to "fix" our problems. It could be health related, financial burdens, or relationship problems. We often unknowingly allow ourselves to get into an emotional state of confusion and frustration. Most often, our first reaction is to look to and to find our "quick fix" in man.
But man is just that...man. While man can be a resource, he certainly isn't the source that we are seeking, when deep down inside we still feel that empty, yearning for a truth that man never gives.
It is our Father in heaven who created within our beating heart, the essence of who He is. He is the one who loves us the most. He is the one who gives us life from the moment of conception in our other's womb to the very moment of our birth in this world. It is our Father in Heaven who has assigned guardian angels to us for our lifetime and it is our Father in heaven who speaks to our heart in the soft whisper in the wind, in a newborn baby's cry, in the eagle flying in the sky.
Our Father in Heaven ministers to us in the very essence of His creation, big and small.
When we focus on our Father in heaven, we are brought into Him in so many ways. The Bible, God's handbook for life speaks truth in simple and true ways. He is always seeking to reveal Himself to us with examples from His creation, His miracles, His love.
Simple and true, God is here to be our source for all things first.
All too often, we put our Father in heaven after man, seeking Him only after "man" has let us down.
Psalm 118:8 It is a short sentence, but contains a lifetime of meaning and truth.
My prayer for today is that we focus on our Lord first, before man, knowing that His love is the greatest love that we will ever find. Only in a relationship with our Father will we find solace in the deepest part of our being, as we find ourselves one on one with our Lord. In God, we have found our source, our life. May we take time each day to spend time in His word, getting to know Him, as the one who loves us enough to fulfill our every need. He is our provider, our healer, our joy and our peace. May we find rest in our Source, completely in mind, body, spirit, and soul.
Love and blessings to all in Jesus precious name.
Psalm 118:8
It is better to trust in the Lord, Than to put confidence in man.
It is a short sentence, but contains a lifetime of meaning and truth.
written by Patricia Ann
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