by Patricia Ann
It's all God...intense, yet calming and awe inspiring...
Sometimes God does things in our lives that leave us without words to express how we feel.
It is a deep amazement, an internal knowing that the One who created everything we see, smell, touch, hear, or taste... has created a magnificent moment that touches us deep into the depths of who we are. And we fall on our knees in praise of who He is. It is intense, yet calming, and awe inspiring when we come into the realization of just how loved and cared for we are by our Father in Heaven.
His love is like no other.
In fact, God is love.
He is the essence of all things good and beautiful.
Look at this wondrous world He created. From the tiniest of bugs to the largest of animals, flowers and trees, birds and fish of every kind...
the widest of oceans and smallest of trickling streams, the low laying beaches and the snow capped mountains, the smell of the first flowers of spring, the freshly plowed soil, a campfire or good food cooking on a stove.
God created it for us to enjoy and experience Him in it all.
It is God, in the freshness of a newborn baby's breath or the laughter of a small child. It is God in the beauty of friendships, heart to heart talks, and knowing that there is someone He has placed here on this earth to be a listening ear, a pep talk or a prayer partner.
It is God who lives in the sincerity of a "how are you?" and it is God who lives in a shared smile or laugh, and God who brings His children together to worship Him in love and truth.
It is God who speaks to us in the wind, or in the quietness of evening or during a shower or bath, when we settle to relax our minds from the noise and busyness of the day.
It is God who in times of chaos, trouble, torment and confusion... who envelopes us in His love and gives a serenity, a peace and understanding that somehow, if we keep moving forward and never take our eyes off of Him, everything will one day be okay.
It is God who tells us that with faith, just the size of a mustard seed, that a mountain can be moved.
It is God who tells us that He has a plan for us, to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us hope and a future.
Why then, we might wonder sometimes, do bad things happen?
Even in the midst of the most tragic of events or during the most intense times of torment and pain, or sorrow, our God is with us. It has never been His intent that we suffer.
God knows us and he watches as we go through life, sometimes making decisions and choices that He knows will bring us pain and sorrow.
But He also knows that in his design of us, He gives free will to choose our own path.
We get to choose who we hang out with, who we date, what we do as a job to earn money, and ultimately who we marry as adults and whether we have children.
We even get to choose what we do for enjoyment.
Sometimes its tempting to just choose to enjoy life in this world, not thinking of the consequences that would happen if we get caught up in drugs or alcohol, or if we have unhealthy relationships, homosexual or promiscuous relationships, commit crimes, etc.
Too many times we suffer years later because of our choices.
And so many times, it is these choices that bring the most confusion and heart breaking times to our lives.
Sickness and disease, a broken friendship, marriage relationship, or divorce, loss of a job, home etc., a death of a loved one and so many more things seem to plague us in our lives.
And we feel the weight of it all, as we seek to understand and fix problems on our own.
And sometimes our problems have been the result of things we have no control over. They weren't cause by our own choices, but instead by the willful misconduct and rebellion of another person.
We often fall into these situations innocently, but the results are the same.
We become hurt and broken vessels, distant from our God and we suffer. We feel unworthy and hopeless and confused.
But remember, God feels our pain.
He is ever present in our lives.
He sees what we are going through. And He is ready to intervene at just the right moment.
Now this moment may not be exactly when we expect it or want it to happen, but when it does happen, we do indeed find ourselves standing speechless without words to express how we feel.
And we fall on our knees in praise of who He is.
It is intense, yet calming, and awe inspiring when we come into the realization of just how loved and cared for we are by our Father in Heaven.
His love is like no other.
He comes and He lifts us up out of our pit of despair, gives us a pep talk, refuge from the storm and an awesome renewal of our Spirit... His Spirit in us.
And when we take the time to sit back and look, we see the miraculous work He has done in us.
We come out with new life, a bigger and better understanding and a desire to help others who are going through what we ourselves have also experienced.
And this my friends is all part of God's great plan for us and His kingdom glory.
We take what we have been through and we give our testimony of the wondrous love of our Father in Heaven and we declare.
.. It is God!
It is All about God!
We are the apple of His eye, loved beyond our earthly comprehension and in that we are indeed blessed.
He is God and He is good!
Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings come.
My prayer for today is that we seek to see His face, His Glory and we experience God intense, yet calming and awe inspiring. May we all experience Who He is... within our innermost being!
Love and Blessings to ALL in Jesus precious name. Amen.
written by Patricia Ann

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