Patricia Ann... June 11, 2022
Praise the Lord for He is Good. His love endures forever!
Have you ever been told you are too jealous for God...too zealous in your worship? Count it all Glory because God arouses zeal in his people. It's okay to be filled with Zeal for our Lord!

Have you ever had anyone doubt that Jesus heals today or that healing services aren't real?
Jesus is the same...yesterday today and tomorrow! What He has done for others before, He also still does for us today...Jesus healed all who came to Him. That same power that raised Jesus from the grave also raises us up! It is awe inspiring and healing power. It is unconditional love ❤️...
My prayer for today is that we all receive all that our Lord has to offer. Be free and receive your healing.
Love and Blessings to all
in Christ Jesus. Amen

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