The God who sees me...Genesis 16:13
written by Patricia Ann 6/9/24
I have seen the One who sees me. It is God! His word is always faithful and true. He is Alpha and Omega! He seeks intimacy with us!
We must also seek intimacy with our God!
God is the One who created us! He is God, who breathed life into us! It is God, who undoubtedly loves each of us the very Most.
God simply "IS"! He is God who Was and Is and Is to come!
It is God who ministers to our human hearts in spirit and in truth!
God is our present and our future. He is our place of perfect peace.
God is our protector, our voice of reason, our strength in a storm. God is ever-present
and God is eager to help us along in our life's journey.
My prayer for today is that we take time daily to take a little walk with Jesus. Allow Him to gaze into our face.
May we allow ourselves to experience Him intimately, receiving Him...His loving touch every day.
I have seen the One who sees me! It is God. His word is always faithful and true! Alpha and Omega!
He seeks intimacy with us.
No matter what, we must seek our Father's face and know that He also has been seeking to see our face, too!
God is the One who sees us! He sees you and He sees me!
God is love and so we also must love! As He is, we are also!
We know Him intimately and that is how life is intended to be.
Love and blessing to all in Christ Jesus. Amen
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