Did you ever wonder how to pray? Abba Father
by Patricia Ann 10/8/22
I love going to my Father in Heaven in Prayer.
It is the most wonderful feeling to go into a deep loving prayer conversation with my Lord.
I grew up in a church family and I am so thankful that I was able to experience praise and worship in a small town family church atmosphere, but I never experienced prayer conversation with our Lord like I have grown into in my life today. Looking back at those days of my youth in the church, I have been able to see the ritualistic nature of the religion that was there.
It was there, during a revival that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at eight years old.
Still, I grew up with the idea that God is too busy for us. God was just too busy to listen to our prayers.
Later in life , I earned that isn't true at all. Our Father is diligently calling our hearts back unto Himself with a simple childlike faith, unmarred by the religious ways of worldly religion and rituals.
And so... I share this heartfelt message today...
Did you ever wonder how to pray?
Did you ever wonder if God hears your prayers?
Sometimes, I think we get caught up in "how to" pray or "what to" pray and we feel very inadequate and small in our prayer life.
Did you know that God, Our Father in Heaven, just loves it when we speak to Him?
God loves to have conversation with us and He is pleased when we seek Himself with our heart...taking to Himself every thought, need and desire.
Did you know that God already knows our heart? God has known us since before we were formed in our own mother's womb. He has already placed within our being an innate desire to be with HImself...to be in His presence and to have conversation with Him.
Did you know that Prayer is our conversation with God?
It doesn't have to be a scripted, ritualistic prayer, either.
Growing up in this world, we are surrounded with lot of differing religions, church denomination and family heritage. Ultimately, we have been taught to follow the mindset of our family or various church denominations. And that, isn't a bad thing, unless we aren't taught the simplicity of coming to our Father in Heaven in a prayer conversation.
We can and must come to God in prayer. Our Father just loves to meet with us.
He sent His Son, Jesus , so that we have an open doorway to Heaven in prayer conversation.
Prayer is simply our thoughts presented to our Lord, humbly from our heart...His heart.
We can pray in the happiest of times, thanking our Father for answers or for gifts that He has freely given to us. Often, our prayers are presented to our Father in times of distress, worry and fear.
It is in these times of need that we often feel the immediate peace of our Lord, as His spirit comes to us in a calm, still voice and a knowledge that "it's going to be okay."
We can even pray intercessory prayers on behalf of others whom we know are experiencing a need...an illness, grief, or in times of accidents and trauma when we know that prayer in one accord indeed does yield results.
Sometimes, our Father in Heaven just gives us an inner knowledge, a name or an intense desire to pray for a certain person or even a stranger. Our Lord knows that He can count on us to pray to Himself for the needs of others, as well as for ourselves.
Prayer to our Father, in a simple and true conversation from our heart, speaking our feelings to the Lord is a very rewarding experience. When we seek Him, He welcomes us into His presence with open arms and He is pleased to sit with us and hear our prayer.
Jesus is our best friend. He is the best listening ear that we could ever hope to find.
He is never too busy, never irritated, frustrated or angry with us.
He meets us with love ! It is the purest love.... and when we spend time in prayer with our Lord, His love envelopes us, protects us, feeds us and guides us.
Our Father's banner over us is love, pure and sweet!
Did you know that we need not fear going to our Father in prayer, in times of need or at any time?
He tells us in His word that nothing can separate us from His love!
He welcomes each of us in simple conversation. He knows our heart condition, our innermost thoughts, feelings and desires already. And He loves us without condition!
Without condition, He waits for us...and when we call out to Him in simple, heartfelt prayer conversation, He is always there. And sometimes, those prayers are answered in a soft, still voice from Heaven. Other times, He sends a prayer intercessor to join you in prayer from afar. And sometimes, we will meet a stranger with just the right Word from our Father and we know...that He has indeed heard our prayer.
Our Father is always calling our hearts unto Himself and patiently waits and listens for our voice, our cry, our praise, our prayer.
Isn't it time to just meet with with One who loves us the Most?
As Jesus called to His Father..."Abba Father". We also come to our "Abba Father" in prayer conversation.
Our prayer for today:
Father God, we come to You humbly and with open hearts to receive Your Spirit into our hearts ,our being. We welcome simple, intimate conversation with You. It is indeed into Your loving Presence that we are welcome to take every thought, need, and desire that we have and know are ever present in the midst of our lives. It is forever true that You love us the Most! We thank you, Father God, for never giving up on us, for your unconditional love and patience, as we grow and learn of Your ways. Our life is a journey and into Your presence is our destination. My we all find our destination is living in the Promise of Eternity in Heaven with You, my Lord.
In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Rev. 3:20)
Paul writes, “Because you are sons (and daughters), God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, 'Abba, Father. '” (Galations4:20)
The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love. (Song of Solomon 2:4)
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)
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